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???大家不露臉的線上證照培訓?\ Certiport台灣-碁峰資訊 ACA Illustrator CC2019 最新版證照教師研習,考題與考試方式完全更新,謝謝30位老師們在週日的午後4小時很認真的完整參與,也感謝大家支持與肯定❤️\ #ACAIllustratorCC2019師資線上培訓課程 碁

峰資訊\ 13:00 – 13:20 Adobe ACA原廠認證簡介\ 13:20 – 14:00 CC19學科重點方向\ 14:00 – 17:00 CC19術科實作解析\ #遠距教學 #在家培訓師資

\ I hope you’re p...

\ I hope you’re planning something fun after all this Covid19 settles. I want to share a little #SCUBA ? Clip because I had a student in the past say i

t saved their life from depression. Sharks generally shy away from bubbles which can be taken as a sign of aggression from many marine mammals. The fact that this young tiger #SharkIDBeasty @oneoceansharks was not dissuaded as we dove made me realize I need to keep an eye out for my dive buddy @juansharks who seemed to get a lot more attention because of his camera stobes. Generally at @oneoceandiving both safety diver biologists and the public who join us only snorkel on the surface, however from time to time we use SCUBA for work and I taught full time for years so there is something I miss about being able to stay down underwater on a regular basis and just watch all the marine life cruising above for an hour or so. I am an Instructor with over twenty specialties so I’ve taught everything from setting line for cave and wreck diving to drysuits, nitrox, and night (night dives are the best.) I am sure a lot of people are feeling confined staying at home, or maybe exhausted at work in an essential work position, but things won’t always be like this. Someday everyone will be allowed to travel again and experience wonderful fun things like the stuff people share from past times or maybe now is a good time to just enjoy time talking with your loved ones or planning your bucket list together. I highly recommend trying #scubadiving at some point in your life, it opens your eyes to the other 75% of the world & usually there is an instructor close by or maybe something shorter like swimming with #sharks with an expert (Of course I recommend @oneoceandiving if you can come to Hawaii ??☀️? ) which is also a great way to enjoy and learn about the ocean and marine life Or maybe take up swimming classes if you’ve never learn to swim, or plan a family vacation or a trip to see your ohana (family) if they are not with you now. I hope everyone is in a place where they are healthy and safe and I hope if the present moment doesn’t feel great please hold on plan for better times❤️. Life changes. #holdon #future #depressionhelp\

中華電信光世代月租費調降囉!?\ ...

中華電信光世代月租費調降囉!?\ \ #中華電信 #光世代 #月租費 #每月可省錢

#構成我的5部作品\ \ 閒來無事...

#構成我的5部作品\ \ 閒來無事在版上看到友人 二百五不是一個人 轉發的活動,主旨是選出構成你這個人的5部漫畫作品,看到之後覺得很有趣,但同時又礙於自己漫畫看得不多的緣故,於是便自己做了一個不侷限的版本\ \ 我認為這個活動的”構成”是個挺有意思的主題,這可以分成很多種概念,構成你的價值觀?構成你抉

擇作品的標準?還是構成你這個人?我認為都是,所以今天我所挑選出的作品,或許都不是很有名亦或是評價非常高的作品,但它們絕對都是在我的追番生涯裡,帶給我意義重大,同時也無法取代的其中幾部作品。\ \ /\ \ 【#天降之物】:撇除掉小時候所看的民工番,我真正意義上第一部所看的TV動畫,還記得小學時期年少的自己,意外地看見這部作品看似色情的標籤而點了進去追番,但在接觸這部作品之後也讓我見識到,這部作品並不單純只有表面上後宮賣肉的樣子,作為一個故事,它同時也有著相當動人催淚的一面,這對於當時的我而言,可以說是開啟了全新的視野,而也是這個契機,讓我開始認識到”動畫”的存在與有趣之處。\ \ /\ \ 【#妖精的尾巴】:從小陪伴著我長大的民工番,不同於相對熱門的死神、火影、海賊,我小時候最早也是最常接觸的便是電視上所播出的「魔導少年」,作為一個王道系的熱血民工漫,這部作品帶給了我非常非常多的童年回憶,對我而言,每個公會的夥伴們都是那最不可取代的家人與夥伴,而我也始終認為,擁有著這些追番回憶的自己,感覺就好像陪伴著他們走過了無數的冒險與戰鬥一樣,我想在我的心中,早就認定自己也是妖精尾巴的一員了吧。\ \ /\ \ 【#虎與龍】:使我真正開始認真追動畫的第一部作品,而同時也是決定我喜歡校園戀愛劇這樣主題的契機之作,這部作品被許多人稱為戀愛教科書這點,我認為非常貼切,它很完美且毫不保留的描寫了校園戀愛的酸甜苦辣與真實樣貌,而我想每個人或許都有著憧憬這種青春的時期,當然我也不例外,而至今我也依然認為這部作品作為校園戀愛劇,絕對可謂巔峰之作。\ \ /\ \ 【#Re從零開始的異世界生活】:正是因為與這部作品相遇,才能讓我如今能在這邊做著自己嚮往的事情,與大家分享對作品的觀點與評論,或許它相比於我選出的其他作品而言並沒有過多突出的地方,但它做為使我鼓起勇氣踏出第一步的作品來說,絕對也可以稱得上是構成現今的這個我,存在的作品之一,如果沒有它,或許就不會有現在的我了吧。\ \ /\ \ 【#CLANNAD】:要說我入坑至今唯一一部給最高評價的動畫,那除了CLANNAD之外絕對就沒有其他了,相信我已經不只一次提及過這部作品,也不止一次的吹捧過它的好,如果方才提到的虎與龍是戀愛教科書,那麼這部CLANNAD肯定就是人生讚歌了,在這邊我沒有其他的要求,只有一句話:「拜託大家去看」。

#Taiwan public #h...

#Taiwan public #health experts urged the public Monday not to stigmatize and to show support for those undergoing #quarantine because of the COVID-19 #

coronavirus, citing examples from overseas from which the #Taiwanese public can learn. #COVID19 #love #care #affection #compassion #family #friends

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路痴們有救啦 #仙女編 影片: @aottergirls 提供授權 #googlemap #定位 #

導航 #AR導航 #方便 #時間軸紀錄行程 【電獺少女YT】https://bit.ly/2XF9iqJ 【電獺少女官網】http://aottergirls.com 訂閱YT開鈴鐺不錯過影片:https://bit.ly/3bqTgEj

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身心舒暢的一個假日行程 #大坑 #台中 #大坑九號步道 #農夫市集 #爬山

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好像很久沒更新IG了 最近因為怕肺炎不敢出門 沒什麼出門只能Po自拍照QQ 會開始努力回歸更新IG的!

#twitch #twitchstreamer #twitchgirls #twitchtv #twitchclips #twitchpartner #twitchgamer #twitchstreamers #twitchstream #twitchstreaming #glasses #glassesgirl #glassesgirl #glassesfashion #glasses #glasses #glassess #glassesstyle #homebody #homebodylife #indoorsy

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慢慢把自拍都更新上來~ → Feel like to see more PHOTOs of ME →@

boolulu_fish #cosplay #cosplayer #coser #anime #animegirl #manga #animegirls #worldcosplay #自撮り#自撮り女子 #selfie #動漫 #角色扮演 #코스프레 #オタク #アニメ #マンガ #アニメーション #コスプレ #kawaii #kawaiigirl #手遊び #碧藍航線 #azurlane #azurlanecosplay #高雄 #高雄獒 #takao #艦娘

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捏完這顆愛心雪整個捨不得放下 我是認真想塞進包包帶走ಠ_ಠ 但理性的我知道 與其跟著我變一灘水不如讓

你待在適合你的地方☃️ 撿到我心的人一定好運連連 / / / / / / /手鐲 @apmmonaco #Hokkaido#japan#life#travel#love#snow#snowball#winter
